Monday, November 26, 2012

Old treasures

My good friend Ida come to me with a bag filled with a lot of old cameras and camera gear. This was really just love to my eyes! I had to go trough all this treasures when I came home, and I cant wait to see witch of these is actually working, and learn how to use them. Thank you so much, Ida 

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Out of inspiration

I have really spent too much time inside on my computer. Even though its frost outside, perfect for great pictures, I have no inspiration and happiness for my camera. I would really like to get inspiration of any kind, because it ends up with just crazy looking pictures of me and my friends on school. I don't think my camera has been used in the way I want it to for months. I really need to get my inspiration back. Do you have any good tips for me?

//Instagram pictures

Saturday, November 24, 2012

My very first print!

This picture is now hanging in my mom's living room! I'm so happy, it came out so beautiful. This is actually a really early Christmas present for my mom, and she was really happy for it! What do you think?