Friday, July 27, 2012

Heyhey Sweden!

At the moment, I'm sitting on a bus to Sweden, and i'm crossing the country-line short time. Witch means I cannot use my own mobile-internet, if I don't want a hell of a bill to pay(Sorry for the language). So, I have to use a really bad network, that my spotify don't even like. So, music, bye bye!
But, as I have understand, I can use the internet pretty much on the evenings in Garmian's house. (The one we going to live with in Sweden. So, that means I can upload! *Super happyface x1000*

This picture is taken in Oslo the last time I was there, I have just never got to upload it. Today, I didn't had the time to capture anything, my boyfriend was already so slow that we almost missed the buss(even trough we was in Oslo 2 hours early!)

Okay, then I was in Sweden, witch means a bad network. So I think I should stick to Facebook and Photoshop.. lol

Edit: This was supposed to be posted one hour ago, but the network didn't allow me to..

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